Sunday, November 2, 2008

What's been hap'n:

This semester has been super busy. I will have to post it all in different blogs but wanted to at least throw something on here now.

Student Retreat 2008

Probably the biggest and most stressful part of the semester has been planning for the retreat. Making plans and reservations can be trying all by itself but when you add to that the stress of trying to communicate with people from a culture that is different than my own, it can become a bit overwhelming. I made it through though and and the retreat went well. The students have shared with me how it blessed them and I have to give all the glory and praise to the Lord because I know it wasn't my doing.

Part of the excitement for the retreat was the arrival of Kate Huff. I went to college with Kate and volunteered with her at Youth For Christ. We also lived together for a few months before I came on the field. It was wonderful to see a good friend from home (and not just because of the amazing Mnt. Dews she brought me). She spoke at the retreat and also got to see a glimpse of life here in Botswana.

After the retreat, I took a very much needed holiday to Cape Town with Kate! We stopped by Pilanesburg, SA on our way to Jo-burg to do a safari. This ended up being quite an adventure at we got lost and I had to turn around so many times I lost count. We also ended up chasing down a safari truck and didn't end up leaving the park until 9pm that night! It was a great safari though with the highlight being the lions who decided to play in the middle of the road.

We then flew to Cape Town where it cold and windy and even wet some of the time!! It didn't dampen the fun though and we all had a great time.

My favorite sunset picture from the trip.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Back in Botswana

I'm back in Botswana after a winter of being away. I spent a month in Zambia doing 40/40, a month long "break you into Africa" time. It was lots of fun and full of great experiences including riding public transport, and camping in the African bush, visiting villages every day and finding out about african culture and daily life, and living with an family in their village for a weekend.
The Mwanza family (Homestay) The Hut we slept in

One of the villages we visited African dish prepared for us by our Zambian Helpers
(It was very good!)

After that I came back to Botswana for a couple of weeks but lived in Lobatse helping some new missionaries settle into language school by taking care of their two children. I then went to South Africa to help with SL Training. It was on a mountain and very very very cold! Missionaries were going to the training and I was there to help with the kids. It was good fun and I really enjoyed getting to know the missionaries and spending time with the mk's. That went on for three weeks.

I then had the opportunity to help a family who was at the training but had an unexpected situation come up and needed a driver for their volunteer team. I volunteered and got to go to a very beautiful part of South Africa, spend time with an great family, and even see the Indian Ocean.

But now I am back in Botswana and awaiting the university students arrival back to school. Hopefully my access to the internet will be more regular and I will be able to update this thing more often.

Here's hoping. :)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Ilustration from the Incredibles

So I'm sure you've probably seen the movie The Incredibles. Well there is a scene in the movie that kinda depicts how I felt in the past couple of months. The scene is where the family is coming back to the city but they are flying in a van attached to a rocket by the mom. Well as soon as they let go of the rocket and are about to land they floor it and land going extrememly fast. Everything is flying by and they are trying to make the right decision as to where they should turn so they are at the battle.

That is sort of how I felt. I came here fresh from orientation, foot flat on the gas, ready to go. Then I get here and it's crazy. I'm trying to figure out what to do, where to fit myself, how to minister, and all the while life is whizing by me. I think I have come to a point where I am able to have some sort of ground to walk on now. It is a daily battle to come before Jesus empty and say this is all I have, use me for your glory, but God is faithful and he does just that.

I have begun to really connect with several of the students and have found that they like it when I'm in my office and they can come and sit and chat with me. I am discovering how to encourage them and am becoming more comfortable with leading. It is still a struggle to find the balance between leading them and not doing it for them but I have one step at a time. And again...God is oh so faithful, taking me through my times of self-doubt and loneliness to give me joy in him.

I have begun to do a personal study through John Piper's Desiring God. I have heard great things about this book and read many excerpt but never actually read it. Well in the preface there is this quote that really encouraged me when I read it. It states, "When delighting in God is the work of our lives...there will be an inner strength for ministries of love to the very end."

Thursday, February 28, 2008


We had a carnival here at the student center several weeks ago. It was lots of fun and I thought I'd share some pictures:

Some beautiful ladies!

Andrew setting up.

Throwing darts to pop the balloons.

The boys!

I think she just won in cards!

Father and son compete to win.

Can Tapiwa get the apple?!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

First Blog from Bostwana!!!

This is my first post here in Botswana! I have been in Africa exactly one month today!!

I live in Gabarone, Botswana and work at the Baptist Student Center where I get to hang out with students all day. The students come mainly from the University of Botswana, which is right across the street, but some are from the other smaller campuses. The students are wonderful and I have loved getting to know them! We have Friday night outreaches which are lots of fun and new students are encouraged to come hang out at a safe place.

It's kinda hard to blog about all the details at once. Hopefully I will have internet at my house soon and I can blog more often, my goal is at least once a week.

Till then here are some pics from my time here!!!
These are taken at the welcome back party.